Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Viral Power of Social Networks

THE VIRAL POWER OF SOCIAL NETWORKS The meteoric rise of websites such as Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Linked in and many others is a testament to the power of digital social networks. Social networks give developers the ability to gather like minded individuals or targeted traffic and their popularity grows in proportion to the user’s ability to communicate common interests. “Digital Networks reveal hidden connections between users that are not revealed in every day interactions.” Digital Networks afford the ability to communicate information across websites and devices at incredible speeds. The advent of Twitter means everyone is immersed in SMS technology. The science of Social Networking has existed long before the invention of the internet. The rise, popularity, and effectiveness of popular Social Networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook, and LinkedIn are primarily due to that fact that internet Social Networking inherently satisfies people’s need to network and they expand networking in ways that cannot be accomplished in real world.

Social Networking in cyberspace reveals hidden connections between people that are not apparent in the real world. As we have illustrated, open source applications have made it possible for developers to offer a myriad of features in a cost effective fashion. Savvy developers can create methods of connection (Nodes) between users and groups.

Much like My Space and Face Book and other Social Networking sites, creators can foster the creation of subgroups within the website or hub, in effect creating a viral marketing. It should be stated that one of the greatest advantages of employing Social Networking and blog tools is that all content produced eventually leads to traffic or higher visibility with search engines. Content creation and syndication are two of the internet’s most significant industry drivers. Unlike the internet of old anyone can publish material to a broad spectrum of users employing social network channels and websites.

 Distribution methods such as RSS or syndication. RSS or “Really Simple Syndication” have made it possible for content creators to reach far beyond their own websites with text, audio, video, and widgets. Indeed Yahoo, MSN, AOL and larger websites are comprised primarily from outsourced material or syndicated articles from around the world. It should be pointed out that many websites are essentially special interest portals aggregating content for specific user groups Communicate There are literally thousands of websites extolling the virtues of Social Networking and the ability to reach a broad range of users. . Viral Marketing is a crucial aspect of marketing and connections to networks allow for instant or real time communication with your target audience

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